Friday, August 15, 2008

Rewind Inventory

Yesterday I started recording my Rewind programs onto CD. I just started by pulling the first two tapes out of the case and recording them. I have the tapes organized in the order I recorded them. They are all numbered and labeled. However, because some programs take up more than one cassette I only knew how many tapes I had not the number of programs.

Today I took inventory. I wrote and produced a total of 38 "Rewind" shows. This includes 5 different Christmas tapes and a tribute to the my dad featuring much his favorite music. Those are among my favorites. As of yesterday I have 3 of them on CD. I had already had the last 2 shows featuring Country music put on CD back in 2001. So the CD conversion project is in progress from both ends of my tape library.

The spreadsheet I created while taking the tape inventory will be helpful in the conversion. With the 36 I have yet to transition I know I've got a lot more hours of work ahead of me. But I recorded the Rewind shows between the years 1986 and 2002. To me they are audio snapshots of 16 years of my life and well worth the effort to preserve them.

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