Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sunday Night Substitute

Tonight I taught the Sunday Night Bible Study in the main sanctuary at my church tonight. There were some other small groups meeting at the same time so there wasn't that many there for me to teach. There were 8 people there and we had a good discussion.

I was actually substituting for another deacon who is on vacation for the next two weeks. I taught the 2ND lesson of a 4 week study on the book of 1 Corinthians. Tonight's lesson focused on Chapter 1 verses 18 to the end of the chapter and the first 5 verses of chapter 2. They are about true wisdom. The material and discussion focused on how God's wisdom seems like foolishness to those who aren't Christians.

I talked about my "haircut experience" and some of the recent exchange I had with a relative about the existence of God and the true gospel message.

We talked about how God's ways of using people both in the Bible and today just don't make any sense to when considered with the mindset of the world.

I also brought up the subjects of evangelism and our part as Christians in delivering the gospel for the purpose of salvation. I also mentioned how a lot of churches today are afraid to teach the true gospel for fear of offending and driving people away.

Although I got a little "preachy" and did a little too much of the talking. But the people were very attentive and added much to what I taught. What made me feel like we had an effective study was that some of us sat around and talked for about 10 or 15 minutes longer after the study was officially closed with prayer.

I am scheduled to teach again next week. I hope there are more people there and I can do a better job of involving them in the study and discussion. However I do love to teach and even preach a little. I'm thankful for the opportunity.

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