Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A Life Changing Book

It took me over 3 months to read this book; from October 08 until January 3, 2009. Not because it's an exceptionally long book; I just got out of the habit of reading on a regular basis. Nevertheless, it’s probably the best Bible teaching book I’ve ever read. John MacArthur uses the words and parables of Jesus, found throughout the 4 gospels, to expound in detail about the cost, process, requirements, and consequences of believing in Jesus Christ for God’s true salvation.

I’m not going to go into specifics about the book because I would end up writing pages and pages myself. Let me just say that this book has changed in my mind the truth of the gospel from what I thought it was to what Christ says it is. That's the ultimate truth.

The overall theme of the book is the doctrine of “Lordship Salvation” verses, what MacArthur calls, the “easy” gospel preached in most churches today. To put it briefly Christ’s answer to all who come to him seeking salvation (and some who he seeks out as well) is a demand for repentance, obedience, and submission to Him as Lord of their life.

The chapters that expound in detail the meaning of Christ’s parable are enlightening in regard to the believer’s relationship with God and His Kingdom.

I strongly recommend this book to anyone looking to discover what it truly means to be “saved” and just how a Christian is required to live their lives, according to Jesus.

While it took me a relatively long time to read this book I am certain that I will read it again. I would love to lead a small group study group through this book or at least be part of one.

Again, if you want to learn what being a Christian is all about read “The Gospel According To Jesus.”

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