Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Adios American Idol

I started watching in Season 2 (I guess that would have been in 2002) and have faithfully watched since. Gradually over the years my enthusiasm for the top rated Fox show, American Idol, has dissipated. This season it has completely disappeared.

I have suffered through the dreadful process of finally getting to the "Top 12" this season. Wait! Surprise it's the top 13 this year. Anyway the singers aren't that great. Listening to 4 judges go on and on with the same old opinions is boring. The new judge has brought nothing insightful to the show at all. Last night in the first round of the "Top 13" a program that is supposed to be on the cutting edge of the music industry features the songs of MICHAEL JACKSON! How long has it been since he's had a hit song? I mean come on.

The time has come when the hours of my life I've been giving to "American Idol" are no longer worth the investment. I am officially announcing that I am no longer going to watch.

I'm sure my wife will continue to watch and that's just fine with me. It won't prove to be a problem. Because of the hours I work she can record it on the DVR, watch the show (while fast forwarding though everything but the contestants singing) and delete it before I get home from work.

Anyway I want to say "adios" to Ryan, Paula, Randy, the new girl, and Simon. The producers of the show probably changed things around this season to make it new and exciting. It's become dull and boring. So now my life has one less "Idol."

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