Friday, March 27, 2009

Disney Animation DVD Collection "Complete"

Last night on Ebay I won an auction for a DVD copy of the Disney animated movie "Fantasia 2000." An updated version of Disney animation featuring classical music. What's significant about this event is that I now consider my Disney DVD collection complete.
With the addition of "Pinocchio", Disney's 2nd major release and "Bolt", the most recent Disney animated feature, earlier this month I have now achieved a goal I set out to complete more than 5 years ago.
I now own , what I consider to be the 61 major theater released Disney animated features on DVD. I have them marked with the year of their release and their place in the collection's order. It starts of course with "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" (released in 1937) and ends with "Bolt", which I mentioned earlier. It includes all 9 Pixar films.
Once I actually receive "Fantasia 2000" in the mail early next week I'll start setting up my Disney DVD collection in a storage case at the end of our hall that has been empty since our oldest son moved out last August. I can place upon it some of my Disney figures and memorabilia as well as hang my share of Disney stock behind it.
Now that the collection is complete I will probably take on the task of watching them in order once again. I will more than likely find myself alone in this quest as no one in my house enjoys Disney movies enough to want to watch them all with me.
Now I'm not rushing anyone or placing my personal agenda on anyone at all so don't get me wrong when I mention this. But another goal I'd like to achieve is someday being able to sit down and watch these movies again with my grandchildren. Of course that won't be for a while. But once my Disney DVD collection is in place I guess the only thing left for me to do is wait or perhaps I can wish upon a star.

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