Monday, April 13, 2009

Water World

I’ve started drinking again. You read that right. I’ve started drinking again. But before you decide that I should go to a meeting and have coffee and donuts at a local "AA" meeting please let me explain.

One of the keys to the success of losing weight after my surgery is going to be making sure I stay hydrated. A post-op WLS (weight loss surgery) patient is required to drink a minimum of 64 oz of water a day. There are several reasons for this which I won’t take the time to explain in this post.

From the feedback I’ve gotten from my sister, Shari, and the post-op WLS patients I’ve met in the support group, drinking the correct amount of water each day is concentrated effort that has to be worked at every day. The daily quota of liquid consumption must be accomplished with the standing rules of : only taking sips (no gulping or chugging), not drinking 30 minutes before or after meals, and no drinking during meals.

In order to train myself ahead of time for this important aspect of my pending new life style I decided to start my “new generation of good hydration” before my surgery. As of this past Wednesday I have downed at least 64 oz of water each day. Some of those days it was more.

Believe it or not it has made me feel a bit better. I can’t say why other than I wasn’t drinking any water at all before. All I was drinking was diet soda. I have cut my intake of that to about 20 oz. a day (aka 1 large size cup from McDonald’s).

So now that I’ve started this post–op requirement at least mentally it won’t such a problem when I really have to do it to keep myself healthy. I guess next I have to approach the “exercise” issue.

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